photo by Bert Pot

About me

I am a theatermaker and -designer for music-theatre, performance, theatre and dance.
This website is my portfolio.

My designs often are multidisciplinary and blur the borders between set, video, space and light.
I also create autonomous installations, experimental films and direct my own shows.

For questions and inquries you can either use the contact form or write me a letter to .

I am looking forward to new collaborations and connections!


Formerly known as  / URLAND / lightdesign, scenography (in collaboration with Marijn Alexander de Jong)   (premiere in november 2024)
Sara’s Mysteries  / Stip Theaterproducties / lightdesign, scenography  (premiere in october 2024)
De Grote Vloed  / Zummerbühne / light-, videodesign (premiere in august 2024)
The Gospel According To The Other Mary / Volksoper Wien / scenography (in collaboration with Sarah Nixon), lightdesign, videodesign
UNBORN / OTION / scenography, lightdesign (premiere in april 2024)
The Last Chapters / URLAND / scenography, lightdesign

De eeuwige kersentuin (research) / Toneelschuur Producties / scenography, direction (in collaboration with Hanna Fleer)
I’d rather die / Theater Rotterdam / light-, videodesign
RIPPERDA / Zummerbühne / lightdesign
Sunrise Experience / House of Nouws / lightdesign (in collaboration with Wilfred Loopstra)
De Foetushemel / Ulrike Quade Company / scenography, lightdesign, robotarm programming

Chocolate Horse  / Alkmaar Light Festival / direction, videodesign 
HOLY PLANKTON  / Allouminous / light installation, performance, in collaboration with Simon Wald-Lasowski 
Schrödingers Hond / Theater Frascati / scenography
Hollands Hoop / Zummerbühne / videodesign
Ministry of Jazz / Dutch Swing College Band / direction, videodesign
I have missed you forever / Dutch National Opera / lightdesign, co-creation
...and still we dance / Maat Saxophone Quartet, Dutch Classical Talent / direction, scenography

Elckerlijc / URLAND / lightdesign
A Pole Tragedy / Sofie Kramer / light-, videodesign
Children of Happyland / Theater Rotterdam / lightdesign
Vrouw of Vos / Ulrike Quade Company / videodesign + robotarm programming
WAANZEE / Rosa Ensemble / light-, videodesign
Nacht / Tryater / videodesign
Projectorhead / Stichting de Vrolijkheid / videodesign, direction

IJK / Alkmaar Light Festival / direction, videodesign
Faust (Working Title) / Dutch National Opera / set-, light-, videodesign, co-creation
An die Ferne
/ Operafront & Opera Zuid / direction
Being wrong and how to admit it / Theater Rotterdam / lightdesign, lightobjects

Alles in de Hens / Marcel Hensema / scenography
Karlsson fan it dak / Tryater / lightdesign
Er zal iemand komen / Noord Nederlands Toneel / scenography
Cleopatra / Danstheater AYA / videodesign
The Populists (in concert) / Counterpoint Corp. / scenography, co-creation
Phoenix Chapel  / autonomous work / experimental short film 
Kundry / Parsifal / Bochumer Symphoniker / scenography, co-creation
Three Reflections / NITE / scenography
Wholesale Destruction / Theater Rotterdam / lightdesign